Friday, February 9, 2018

WEEK 5: Friends Forever

I truly believe I am married to my best friend.  Whenever something happens, he is the first one I want to share it with – whether it is good or bad.  He is the one that recognizes my needs, and is sensitive to my moods.  He knows what I like, and dislike, and supports me in my goals – such as finishing school.  I know he will always have my back.  We share many interests, but also have our own.  He supports me in my interests and will do them just because it is important to me.  I trust him and am blessed because he gives me the benefit of the doubt.  He is wise, optimistic, and has a great sense of humor that sees us through many things.  We truly enjoy each other’s company and look forward to doing things together.  That is not to say there are no other friends in our lives.  I have friends I like to laugh with, do things with, and talk to.  But at the end of the day, I am most grateful for my best friend and grateful for the chance we have to be together for eternity.

"...husband and wife share a deep sense of each other's hopes and aspirations and build a sense of purpose into their lives together."    (The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, Gottman, John M.  page 27)

This week I have been pondering whether I am that kind of best friend to him.  Am I always sensitive to his moods?  Do I recognize his needs?  Does he like to share things with me?  Does he know how important he is to me?  I believe so.  But friendship is something that takes work – on both parties.  It is not something to take for granted or assume will always be there.  It is not always easy either.  There are moments when we struggle, especially if we are both feeling particularly vulnerable at the same time.  Fortunately, we have such a strong positive sentiment override, that we are able to navigate our way through those tough moments.  We are attune to each other’s needs, and trust in the covenants and commitments we have made with each other.  And we try each and every day to make sure there is not a question as to who is important in our life. 

I am truly blessed!

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